Monday, May 25, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Non-Profit Organization Analysis World Vision Essay
Non-profit Organization Analysis: World Vision * Background and History World Vision, founded in the USA in 1950 by a young pastor Robert Pierce, is one of the largest relief and development organizations in the world whose total revenue coming grants, product and foreign donations is about $2.6 billion. The first area that World Vision focused on was orphans and other children in need, beginning in South Korea, and then expanding throughout Asia. Today, they operate in more than 90 countries, such as Ethiopia, Ghana, Afghanistan, India, Romania, Austria, Bolivia, El Salvador, Mexico, Jerusalem, and Papua New Guinea. They are now focusing on larger issues of community development and advocacy for the poor towards the end of helping†¦show more content†¦World Vision International operates as a federation of interdependent national offices, each overseen by their own boards or advisory councils. Each office and its members have created a common mission statement. Through an ongoing system of peer review, each national partner is held accountable and abides by common policies and standards. The partnership offices coordinate operations of the organization and represent World Vision in the international arena. For making large scale decisions, the international organization cons iders opinions from each national office, whether in the developed or developing world. An international board of directors oversees the World Vision partnership. The full board meets twice a year to appoint senior officers, approve strategic plans and budgets, and determine international policy. * Meet Community Needs One of the factors that make World Vision successful is it partners with communities, local governments and other offices around the world in order to carry out its mission. It accomplishes this in several ways, depending on the needs of the community, and creates programs where it works with the community to facilitate a range of interventions, including programs in health, water and sanitation, education, and so on. Throughout the programs, people in communities haveShow MoreRelatedEssay about Exploring the Arts and Resource Management1369 Words  | 6 Pagesterm that encompasses all forms of resources and how they can be developed and managed to create an effective and efficient use of the organizations available resources. Resources are typically thought of as including tangible things such as goods, buildings, equipment, technology, financial resources, and people, or non-tangible things like creative ideas, vision, and mission. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Impact Of Steve Jobs On The World Of Technology Today
Our world of technology today is what the world is run by. Technology is much different than what it was thirty years ago. We would not have the technology we have today if it weren’t for Steve Jobs. We wouldn’t have any of the Apple products that half of America uses if it weren’t for Steve Jobs work. Steve Jobs was a very intelligent person. He created many of ideas and objects. Some people would consider him a god to the technology world because of everything he created. Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24, 1955 Steve Jobs was an orphan until Paul and Clara Jobs adopted Steve when he was a kid. When Steve was growing up he was surrounded by engineers. In his neighborhood everyone around him were engineers. When he was thirteen years old he met one of the most important people in his life. That person’s name was Stephen Wozniak a wiz kid from the area. Steve attended Homestead High School. When Steve was in high school he and Stephen Wozniak pulled many pranks. One incident was they put a middle finger statue on one of the buildings in the high school. Chris-Ann Brennan was his high school sweetheart. When Jobs was eighteen years old he was getting near his college days and he told his parents he wanted to go to Reed College. It was a very expensive college located in Oregon. Steve Jobs parents promised him a college education no matter what. While Steve was in Reed College he began to get interested in Eastern mysti cism. Steve Jobs only spentShow MoreRelatedSteve Jobs Role For Shaping The Modern Technology1219 Words  | 5 Pages Informative Speech Omar Alhussain Comm 1101 Glenda Funk FEB 17th 2016 Topic: Steve Jobs role to shape the modern technology General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: I want my audience to know the role of co-founder and ex - Leader of the Apple Company, Steve Jobs for shaping the modern technology Thesis Statement: The three aspects of technology in which the Steve Jobs contributed hugely with breathtaking innovation and idea are: Music, Personal Computing and Smart PhoneRead MoreSteve Jobs: Innovative Genius Essay1218 Words  | 5 PagesSteve Jobs was an innovative mastermind with visions that helped change the world. He co-founded Apple inc. which is a well-known billion dollar company, and also invented products so popular, almost anyone you ask owns a product of his. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Should Cannabis be legal Essay Example For Students
Should Cannabis be legal? Essay Should cannabis be legalized?While it would be nice to think that the current drug laws are working, you only have to go into a school to find that this is emphatically not the case. Clearly, despite the money spend on keeping Britain clear of drugs, only a fraction of imports are ever uncovered, and something has to change. The case for legalizing cannabis can be based around two arguments. First off is the obvious argument, and that it is impossible to stop people from importing cannabis illegally, or form even growing it themselves. Weather that is in there homes or on privet property outside. No matter how hard you try, you will never rid the US of this drug. More importantly, this drug is not a harmful drug like ecstasy, heroin, acid, and actually has medical benefits to those suffering from arthritis, and other forms of diseases, helping to ease the pain. Legalizing the drug would have no adverse social consequences, and could even bring peace in time of war like the indians used it for. Money could be diverted into areas where it could be put to better use, such as policing hard core drugs and even paying off the national debt. The supply of cannabis could even be regulated by the government. The government could also make more money by putting an import tax on cannabis. Also the police would know who it is who is buying the drugs. By making a trivial drug like ca nnabis illegal, the police are simply forcing the problem underground, where they have no knowledge or control, contributing to crime. the legalization of this drug would also cause the county jails and prisons to become less full making more room for the people out there that commit real crimes like murder and rape. The second argument is that the government has no right to prevent people who want to use cannabis form doing so. You could even associate the use of cannabis with the drinking of alcohol. It temporally changes the way you behave. You can become addicted to it. It can be misused (but in that sense you have to bring to attention that cannabis is the only none legal drug that has not and does not have the potential to kill someone). You could indeed say that alcohol is worse than cannabis, since it has no tangible health uses, and its intact leads to aggressive behavior that effects others, rather than pacifying you like cannabis. However, apart from a few right-wing Christians, there are very few people calling for alcohol to be made illegal, and such a ban would be impossible to enforce (shown in America, where drinking was actually found to have increased once it was made illegal). The argument is that people should be free to do as they please (within reason) and the use of cannabi s should be a personal responsibility like drinking already is. Where ever you stand on soft drugs like cannabis, the first argument is basically common sense. We all know that drugs are always going to get in and be in our culture some how, and the stricter the controls, the less that is actually known about the people and the produce involved. The second argument is purely a personal viewpoint. In my opinion, resources would be much better used to prevent real menaces such as hard-core drugs like acid heroin and cocaine. Equally, by taxing cannabis in the way that imports and alcohol are, the government could rake in large amounts of money into education about drugs, and funding drug rehab clinics which could help reduce the problem. Whatever your views, the current system clearly isnt working, and as most of us know the existing legislation on cannabis is based on history and politics, not knowledge of the drug. If you disagree with legalizing cannabis, its up to you to come up w ith a better solution.
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